Saturday, May 11, 2013

Review of Star Trek - Into the Darkness (2013)...

Space: The final frontier, These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise, To explore strange new worlds in the next 5 years, To seek out new life and new civilizations, To boldly go where no man has gone before...
When Star Trek (2009) had released, it was the pinnacle of the Star Trek series. Guess what, the leader has been displaced after 4 years. The latest from the Star Trek Franchise is an awesome experience that one needs to be part of. The previous movie was primarily based on the conflict between the Romulans and Vulcans and the detruction of their  Planet.  It was focussed on Spock and Nero, the current one is based on Earth and focuses on the inner conflict of James Tiberious Kirk and his coming face to face with his eternal enemy KHAN.

Khan's presence in the movie has made an impact a villian has'nt for a long time in any Hollywood movie in the recent past (read 4 - 5 years). Khan, played by Benedict Cumberbatch (from the BBC "Sherlock " series), comes out as the mysterious and ruthless being whose intentions are not clear to either Spock or Kirk all throughout the journey.

The movie begins with an unrelated sequence with the USS Enterprise is trying to save a planet from a volcano eruption that threatens to wipe out its primitive population. The whole sequence sets the tone for the rest of the movie, with fast pace, unexpected turns and the ever loving nostalgic Star Trek sound track. From then on, there is hardly any time that you will feel not at the edge of your seat or even blink your eyes.  The rest of the 2(+) hours is a ride you take along with the Crew of USS Enterprise, their ups and downs and also the whole destruction of their ship :-). 

The story in short is, Post some strong attacks on the Starfleet Headquarters, Kirk sets on course to settle a personal score in the enemy land (read Klingon planet) in pursuit of Khan, not releasing he is being used as a pawn in a bigger chess game. What follows are sequences that test the strength and patience of Kirk, Spock and the crew of USS Enterprise, putting Kirk in situations where he has to choose between killing his Enemy (Khan, person responsible of killing his Father figure, Commander Pike) or saving the only family he is left with now , the crew of USS Enterprise.

The movie is fast paced on the edge thriller with excellent performance by each of the actors. While the 2009 version of Star Trek introduced the characters of Kirk, Spock, Scotty, Zulu, Uhura, Bones and Chekov and how they come together, this one takes their relationship to the next level. How the bond of friendship between each of them becomes strong, and how each of them are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the rest in the crew.

This one has Bones and Scotty at their witty best, Kirk at his risky best, Uhura as the seductress whose human emotions keep Spock at completely loss of words, but it is Spock who has the maximum transition during the course of the movie. Spock goes from a Vulcan who is emotionless and logical decision maker to let his human side take over towards the second half, who shows emotions and takes calculated risks and chances. He starts to act thinking what would Kirk have done a particular situation and EVEN CRIES IN THE MOVIE.

JJ Abrams has done a bang on job in the movie, the only missing factor though for me here is that the movie is mostly based on an internal Human Conflict and the regular Star Trek species other than humans are missing.  The cameo by Leonard Nemoy(The Original Spock) is ever wanted and welcome, and the movie closes with the paragraph I started the review with. The 2009 Star Trek had Leonard Nemoy saying those words, how I wish William Shatner had closed the movie this time around. It would have been a complete circle for the two legends that we all have grown up seeing and secretly wish to be if ever given a chance. The movie has released in India a week before its release in some of the other key countries, just like Iron Man3, make the most of it and watch it Before the rest of the world does!

In the End, while the USS Enterprise is bashed, Kirk beaten up by Khan, Uhura makes Spock's life miserable - The whole spirit of what makes a  Star Trek movie so special remains intact. If you are a Star Trek series fan, drop everything and go for this one, and if you are not very hot about the series, watch this one, as you are bound to go back looking for more. 


Saturday, January 19, 2013

Matru ki Bijlee ka Mandola (2013)...

"Jab Dill Saand ho, to har ladki Bhains nazar aati hain", these are the words of a drunk Mandola 30 mins in to "Matru ki Bijlee ka Mandola" to a pink wearing Navnit Nishant. By now you have already fallen head over heels in love with Haria Mandola's (Pankaj Kapur) character and his twin personality. One when he is Sober and a fierce Business Man who dreams of converting the huge and fertile land of his village into Factories, Housing Complexes and Malls and the other when Mandola is drunk, turning into to big hearted village caring philanthropist, encouraging the villager to do mutiny against himself.

This is the latest offering of the immensely talented Vishal Bhardawaj and this one totally belongs to Mandola (Pankaj Kapur). Mandola who is father of Bijlee Mandola (Anushka Sharma) and employer of Matru (Imran Khan), whose father had taken 1.5 lacs loan to send Matru to study law and now job of Matru is to ensure that Mandola does not get drunk and self distruct. The movie opens with a Limo being rammed into a desi theka for refuisng Mandola a crate of his favourite Gulabo Brand whiskey on a dry day and ends up revolving around Gulabo (the whiskey bottle and a pink buffalo). The whole metaphor of the pink buffalo has been used beautifully by Vishal Bhardwaj to create some mind blowing hilarious scenes throughout the movie.

The story is focused around the sale of the fertile land of the farmers of Mandola Village (named after the richest person of the Village) to be converted into Factories and Malls, and a state Politician is an equal partner in to this scam. The Politician (Shabana Azmi) has the desire to marry her Son Badal (Arya Babbar) with Bijlee to gather enough clout using Mandola's money so that she can get entry into National Politics from the current State politics. There is the character of Mao (secret identity of Matru) who is trying to get the villagers to fight for their rights and stand up against the current political regime and money power of Mandola. Its the concept about land and farmers and how farmers are pushed to a corner to sell off their lands to government, who in turn sell the same to rich builders for hefty profit sharing. A topic very much in focus a few years back with the Tata Nano plant incident in Bengal or the agitation by villagers who sold their land for the Delhi Agra Yamuna Express way. Vishal Bhardawaj has been able to give a very comic turn this whole serious situation, Simple story told with a lot of heart and thought. 

There are enough sequences in the movie which are a trademark of Vishal Bhardawaj and leave you big time laughing and smiling. He has also touched a cord with the viewers to show the plight of the poor farmers and how they get arm twisted easily by the rich and those in Power. There is a sequence where Mandola is explaining his dream to Shabana Azmi and the whole fertile land starts to get converted into Factories and Malls and housing complexes, pollution and how the money paid to workers in factory is taken back via sale in the malls. The whole sequence leaves you spell bound on what is so evidently happening all around us, but we have never stopped for a minute and look at it the way Vishal Bhardawaj has shown. Its is a scary picture that comes out of that scene, and makes you think what world are we  leaving for our future generations. 

Smart dialogues are consistent throughout the movie. An aircraft scene where Matru and a completely drunk Mandola end up flying a glider and then jumping off it, as Mandola has learnt how to take off but has no idea how to land it. Another one in which Shabana Azmi is raising a toast to her victory over the farmers (who sign off their lands to the Govt) by saying "Ab dilli door nahin, Kursiya". With Kursiya being a replacement of Cheers (Chairs) but a metphor for the seat of Power that she is targetting in Delhi. Another one in which Mandola is holding two bottles of Whiskey and has to give one to Matru, he asks him to take the one from left hand as he is a Mao (a leftist). The movie also has Gulabo, a pink colored buffalo whom Mandola keeps seeing as part of Withdrawl symptoms while he is trying to leave whiskey. There is an African tribe that badal has brought as a gift to Bijlee, though they could have been done without. 

On performances, this one is for Pankaj Kapur, his performance of a drunkard has no parallel in cinema as yet. Simply mind-blowing. Till the time he is on screen, the movie remains interesting. Imran Khan and Anushka get noticed only in scenes when they are with Mandola, otherwise there performance is ordinary., though Imran's looks for the part are apt and very well suited. Shabana Azmi as a villainous Politician is brilliant. Music is ordinary and the other cast and crew are there for support and that is what they have done. Special mention is due for Gulabo, the Pink Buffalo, the way the buffalo smiles at Mandola, teasing him and inviting him to come back to his loving Gulabo, whom is craves so badly is simply hilarious and comical though very simplistic. 

There is'nt enough in the story, and the movie does kind of slack for around 20-25 mins in the beginning of the Second half, but again gains momentum with Pankaj Kapur coming back and lifting the whole script with his performance. The climax seems a bit hush hush, and could have been handled a bit better with more acrobats from Mandola. Having said that, the movie has more than enough moments to get you laughing and thinking of the simplicity and the brilliance of this director, Vishal Bhardawaj.

Overall, Matru ki Bijlee ka Mandola is a must watch. Whether you are a fan of Vishal Bhardawaj or not, this one has to be watched for what will surely be the best Drunkard depiction ever performed by any one in the history of cinema! Hats off to Mandola, kamaal kar diya Penchoo Penchoo!!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Dabangg2 (2012)...

Chulbul Pandey is back, and he is back with more Charisma, more Energy and more Power. Back are also, Rajjo, Prajapati Pandey and Makhi. What has changed, the Director is now Arbaaz Khan instead of Abhinav, the villian has also changed and so has the Jurisdiction of Robinhood Pandey, he has moved to Kanpur. Is Dabangg2 a Big Bang over Dabangg1, well will reserve the comment for the closure.

Dabangg2 opens with full recap of Dabangg1 and sets up the stage on what to expect from Dabangg2. Full on action, Full on masti and Full on style of "Chulbulle Pandeyji". He is still the Robinhood of people, even though now it is people of Kanpur. It would not be wrong to say that Dabangg2 is Chulbul Pandey and only Chulbul Pandey overloaded. Am I minding that though, not at all. Till the time the Pandeyism is on in the movie the movie races through and keeps you glued with full on entertainment. The big difference between Dabangg2 and Dabangg1 is the storyline. This version is very lean on Story and complex drama between relationships. Most of the relationship issues got sorted out in the previous part and hence there was not much left for Chulbul to resolve in this version. While Dabangg1 had multiple stories crossing each other, whether it was Chulbul and Rajjo, or Chulbul and Makhi or Chulbul and Prajapati or Rajko and her Father, or Chulbul and Rajjo's Father, or Chulbul and Chedi Singh or Makhi and Chedi or Chedi and Chulbul's mom, Dabangg2 from story perspective is Chulbul and Bachcha Bhaiya and that is about it. So this kind of tells you the depth of Story line in this version. 

Story in nut shell is Chulbul Pandey has moved to Kanpur along with his Wife Rajjo (Sonakshi), father Prajapati (Vinod Khanna) and his brother Makhi (Arbaaz Khan). While the jurisdiction has changed, Chulbul has not and he makes life of local goon and soon to be politician Bachcha Bhaiya (Prakash Raj) miserable. The rest of the story is about antiques of Chulbul Pandey and Bachcha Bhaiya. Whenever Chulbul is upto his Dabanggism, you are glued with the movie, and the moment the Dabanggism fades into a song or villian's action time, the movie looses you immediately. 

So then is Dabanng2 worth it, The first half is a breezer and for me made it worth it in itself. The Second half slows down a little and there is a effort by Arbaaz to create some story line with other characters, but fails to do so. Mainly because the persona of Chulbul Pandey is so big that anything else feels boring. You want Chulbul Pandey to carry on with his dhulai and cleaning mission for the entire 2hrs and 20 mins duration. Munni is back for a special appearance and so is Kareena with Fevicol Se. Personally disappointed by the Fevicol song picturization and performance of Kareena, though some of the other songs specially Pandeyji Seeti, in which Munni makes a special appearance are worth the watch.

Action in Dabangg2 is Dabangg style and worth the entertainment quotient expected from it. It would have been better had the climax had a bit more kick, it missed the Red Bull effect of Dabangg1 and kind of ended too soon. May be because Chulbul comes into form in the Second half only in Climax and you expect him to take that to a larger than life performance, but alas!

From Performance perspective, Salman as Chulbul Pandey is amazing, there cannot be any other Chulbul Pandey anymore. Prakash Raj as Bachcha Bhaiya has done ok, and rest of the caste hardly has anything to do worth mentioning. Only Vinod Khanna as Chulbul's father has a decent role and has done well, Sonakshi looks stunning. Arbaaz as Makhi has scenes you can probably count on fingers of one hand.

How do I sum up Dabangg2, when the movie started for the first 45 mins, every scene of Chulbul Pandey was welcomed with Whistles, Claps and screams in the hall, you could easily witness the Rajni-ization of Chulbul Pandey. By the second half though they were all missing and even Chulbul could not energize the crowd in the Climax with his Antiques.

My memory of Dabangg1 is when 5 of us guy friends got together for a Friday evening Dabangg DVD get together, which had Vodka, Rum and Chulbul Pandey. Dabangg1 was thoroughly enjoyed and so was Chulbul Pandey. Will I be happy to do the same with Dabangg2, Oh Hell YES! It has everything to make it a full on entertainment.

So, watch Dabangg2 for sure. The news that Dabangg3 will be a Prequel to Dabangg1 makes it sound interesting, but the Director surely needs to be someone else, till then "Hud Hud Dabangg Dabangg Dabangg Dabangg, Kamal Karte ho Pandeyji!!!"

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Talaash (2012)...

Talaash means to Seek. Not necessarily what is visible should be taken on face value. Not everything that you seek is right and not every that you find is the way it seems. That is the message from Reema Kagti with Talaash - The Answers lie within!.

Talaash set in Mumbai, is the story of Surjan S Sekhawat (Aamir Khan), married to Roshni (Rani Mukherjee) who is seeking answers around an accident of a famous movie star. How the story unfolds around his whole investigation sets the context of the the movie, but not the premise. The key premise of the story is the inner struggle that Surjan is currently having, to come to terms with the loss of his 8 - 10 year old son. He is in constant state of self blame about the accident of his son and how his one small action could have avoided the same. This state of mind puts tremendous pressure on his mind and at this juncture enters a prostitute in his life Rosy (Kareena Kapoor), who helps him come to terms with reality in both the cases he is handling at the same time. 

The role of Rosy in the movie is the key pivot around which the story starts to revolve. Surjan starts getting leads from Rosy to make head way into the accident of the movie star, but some-where creates a bond with her where in he starts to share his inner remorse about his son's death. The remorse he is not able to share with his own wife, causing a major upheaval in their married life. Roshni, Surjan's wife is undergoing treatment after her son's loss and is shown seeing a skrink as well in one of the scene. She befriends a neighbor whom Surjan despises.  Apart from this, there is'nt much for Roshni to do in the movie.

The major pie though gets taken away by Rosy, as she is this enigma in the movie which keeps you guessing whether she is guiding Surjan towards solving the mystery or getting him more distracted and away from a conspiracy being played out. The third main character of the story is Taimur (Nawazuddin Siddiqui), a limping servant of a pimp, who lives in this red light area and is running a parallel investigation of his own, not to solve the mystery but make some quick bucks so that he can get away from this life of his in the red light area. The underbelly of the Mumbai Red light area comes out at your face, and you even with all your efforts cannot ignore the Neon lights, the stinky bars and the hookers and pimps living in some pathetic environments. This sets up a fantastic background to the whole story, the movie also plays almost 80% of the time in the night, an active time for this side of the city. It is in this background that the lives of Rosy and Taimur cross each other, lives of Surjan and Rosy are completely entangled and luckily, Rosy and Roshni never come face to face.

From a performance perspective, Rani has very little to do in the movie, from Nawazuddin we have come to expect a lot more due to Kahaani and GOW, does a good job in a small but significant role. Aamir plays the whole serious cop role to perfection, somewhere that energy of the Cop from Sarfarosh is missing in this one though. His whole look and feel is that of the character and he looks like a serious cop doing his business. The find for me though is Kareena. Done a fabulous job and the credit for that will entirely go to the Director of the movie. She has made use of Kareena's various strengths to the maximum and made her come out as the key to unlock this mystery. 

Cannot disclose much beyond this and also will not talk about some of the hi-impact scenes from the movie as there interpretation can give away the suspense, and I have no intention of spoiling the suspense for people who have not seen the movie. All I will say is that Reema Kagti has done a good job, and the music of the movie is A-one, simply awesome and appropriate for the sequences. 

Talaash is not an over the edge Thriller that keeps you guessing what next and there are no major twists coming every 2 mins. It is a suspense story that runs at a slow and steady pace, but does not seize to surprise you in the end!

A must to watch once atleast, and watch it before someone spoils your fun by leaking the mystery out. I have not done so, but have left enough hints for you in my first paragraph of this review. Read it again and carefully and you might be able to understand some of it!!! Happy Mystery Solving and may you succeed in your Talaash!!!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Kahaani (2012)...

Its Vidya Balan back to back for me in my reviews. This time in Kahaani, but have to say unlike in The Dirty Picture, Vidya as been upstaged. Upstaged by Kolkata, the charm of Kolkata, the richness of its culture and more importantly the shear presence of life in that place that comes out in the movie. Sujoy Ghosh has captured the essence of the city Beautifully.

Coming back to Kahaani and Vidya Balan, Kahaani is a kahaani of a pregnant female who comes from UK to India in search of her Husband, who came here 4 weeks back and has gone missing for the last 2 weeks. Its a thriller where the main protagonist Vidya Bagchi (or as the Kolkatains say Bidya Bagchi), searches for her husband and slowly and steadily uncovers the plot which opens up one peel at a time. The movie will grip you from the first scene itself which takes place in the shape of a terrorist attack in the Kolkata Metro and then post that in walks a probably 7 months pregnant Vidya Bagchi with a Evian water bottle in one hand and her passport in the other, immediately getting mobbed by the ever waiting Taxi guys in Kolkata Airport. From there on the ride is preety interesting going in Roller Coaster mode and then slowing down to again go back in Roller Coaster mode. This really helps as it gives the viewers that breathing time badly needed in between these developments.

Giving Vidya Balan company are a few unknown but very good actors, who seem to grow on you slowly and steady. But what really grows on to you in the City of Kolkata, or if I may say, the Charisma of kolkata, slowly one shot at a time. This for me is the best ever catching of this wonderful place in any movie that I have scene, may be even going way ahead of Amar Prem, with a Drunk Rajesh Khanna sitting on a boat with Sharmila Tagore under the Howrah Bridge. Watch out for a really odd looking LIC agent who really brings to life a very interesting character and for the weak hearted, please close your eyes at the Intermission scene, you are bound to skip a beat.

Vidya has again done a very good job in the movie, She is bound of continue her award winning streak with this, don't see any other actress upstaging this performance on a fair award distribution. Her Character gains the sympathy of the viewers slowly and steady with her condition and the progress of her search. The rest of the actors will be better remembered for their characters instead. Whether it is the ever committed Rana (a Sub-inspector) who for what ever reasons becomes Vidya's man-friday in this new town or Khan (Second in Command in the Indian Intelligence Bureau -IB), who flies down from Delhi to Kolkata, troubled by a female looking for her lost husband. Why is he curious, well that forms the crux of the story and I ai'nt revealing that, for that will kill the fun for you.

So, if Kolkata is ever beautiful, Vidya is as good as she always is in her performance, all the characters do there role to the core and the story ever gripping, then is there anything that I did not like. Well there are a few, like the Number 2 in the IB needs help from a IT professional from UK to help him hack a machine. Surely India IB has its set of genius hackers who can easily hack their way into a Computer. The ease with which Vidya is able to get one clue after the other which the IB is trying to search for the last 2 years also somehow seems a little off track. Having said that, treat this as a movie and a story and do not let your practical side to take over, things should then remain fine.

So in the end, what does Kahaani have in store for you, well its 2 hours of gripping and thrilling drama with the soul of the story being the Kolkata city itself. For me the last scene between Vidya and Darshan Jariwala was a little more dramatic, something that could have been avoided, but then that might just be a personal choice and it might work for a lot of you instead. On the question of whether it is worth watching on the Theatre, you bet it is. If not for the Thrills, or the ups and downs of the story, or the beautiful performances by the actors, then only for the way the whole Kolkata city will make you fall in love with it. This one's got almost everything, ALMOST!!!

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Dirty Picture (2011)...

The following review has adult content, please ensure you are 18 years or above before you proceed. :-)
When you review a movie like "The Dirty Picture" some of the content of the movie is bound to rub on to the article. Its better to warn the reader upfront, which was the case the website did while booking the movie tickets for this movie. Did not realize, it might be so open and free in its content. Now before you all start running away with your imaginations, even though the movie is loosely based on the life of the so called "Soft porn queen" of Soft, the movie is not. It is explicit in nature both with Dialogues and certain acts though. Actually just like the previous Balaji production, "Once upon a Time in Mumbai," this one also has some really interesting dialogues.

So what is The Dirty Picture (TDP) all about. Its the story about a girl Reshma/ Silk (Vidya Balan) and her rise and fall in the Southern Cine world. Her struggle to break the male bastion of being the one, who make or break a movie, the so called "Crowd Pullers". Does she do it? As a matter of fact almost before going into a self destruction mode and ruining everything she has gained, Name,Fame and Money. She becomes a Huge Crowd puller, pulling away the attention of everyone, Fans, Journalists, Producers and Directors from the existing rulers of the Movie Industry.

In parallel, Abrahim (Emraan Hashmi) plays the narrator of the story and also a misfit director in the times, when there is no takers for his kind of serious cinema. There is a dialogue by a producer to him saying "You wanna make movies which will make the audience scratch their head, where as the audience comes to see a movie, where they can scratch something else". (There are multiple such dialogues, some with Double and some direct meanings, so be prepared). The story also sees him start from hating the Silk kind, who believe in providing Pure Entertainment to their audience to slowly moving to become not only one of them but also fall in love with Silk. And this is the part of the story that is weak for me. There is hardly any convincing reason given behind this such a big sea change in his thinking.

There are also brothers, Suryakanth (Naseeruddin Shah) and Ramakanth (Tusshar) playing the first family of South Film Industry (now you all know who is the first family of South Film Industry and which Kanth... ;-)) They both end up bedding Silk, while she uses that to rise up in her career. Her heart break by both of them one after the other actually becoming the undoing of a promising career. (The scenario is partly inspired by Maryln Monroe and the Kennedy brothers story, with Silk's end also similar to Maryln).

So, what is actually there in TDP to watch. Frankly its a Vidya Balan show to the core. She has displayed the role fantastically (there is a lot at display by her), apart from the immense talent as well (hats off to her for taking on such a role and playing it beyond excellence). She has excelled in every act that she comes in and frankly the scenes without her seem very boring. That is the power of her performance in the movie. Naseeruddin Shah has played the role of the Ruling king of South amazingly, but frankly has been overshadowed by Vidya. Emraan Hashmi has done preety well, with Tushhar actually shining only in one scene for me. (Once you watch the movie, you would know which one ;-)

Coming to Disappointments, the movie is based on the story of a Item Girl (may be the first in South Film Industry) and hence you would expect the movie to have strong music support. Completely fails in that, hardly anything (apart from Oh La la) to talk about. Secondly, the fall of Silk in the movie should have been a tag bit slower, I felt the depiction of the same was very quick.

Two scenes stand out for me, and both have Vidya Balan in it. One the speech she gives after receiving her first award, practically declaring a war to all Male actors and the other in which she decides to spoil the party of Nyla (Anju Mahendroo), playing a magazine journalist, when Nyla refuses to meet her after writing a nasty article about her. Both the scenes are just stealers for me.

So what do I think about TDP, let me try by saying it in a dialogue in the style of the movie, "Entertainment comes from 3 things, Vidya, Vidya and Vidya, aur Vidya TDP mein hain". That for me sums up the movie.

So the final verdict, if you are an ardent Vidya Balan fan, go ahead and watch it in cinema (worth every penny), else wait for the DVD to come out. A word of Caution though, if watching on DVD, make sure you do not have Kids or Elders around, else you will watch 75% of the movie in Fast Forward (oh la la!!!) ;-)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Review of Yeh Saali Zindagi (2011)

Very rarely one comes across a movie where the story rises above all the protagonists and becomes the main character of the movie. "Yeh Saali Zindagi" is one such movie. Inspite of having known names like Irfan Khan, Yashpal Sharma, Saurabh Shukla, and not so known like Chitrangda Singh, Arunoday Singh and Prashant Narayanan, it is the story that binds you for the 2 hours running time of the movie. The story does slack some times in between for 5 - 10 mins, but for the rest of the time keeps you completely engaged and guessing "what next".

The story is about love, money and revenge, but then there is nothing new in that. What is new is the criss cross of multiple story lines which end up meeting at one point or the other. Arun (Irfan Khan) is madly in love with Priti (Chitrangda Singh), who in turn is in love with Shyam. Shyam is about to get married to the Daughter of Minister Verma. Minister Verma works closely with Bade (Yashpal Sharma) a don and Bade has all account of Verma's black money. Verma gets Bade arrested and in his efforts to get free, Bade involves his protege Kuldeep (Arunoday Singh). Arunoday is himself having domestic problems, but ends up kidnapping Shyam, and by mistake also picks up Priti. Now Verma is involved as he has to get his future Son-in-law released, Arun gets involved as Priti has been kidnapped as well. There is a inspector Satbeer (Sushant Singh) , who fluctuates between his duty, greed and loyalty towards Bade. The highlight in all this criss cross and confusion, the story of the movie that rises above all these characters, keeping the viewer guessing what is going to happen next.

Acting wise, Irfan's voice over during the entire film are better than his acting and Chitrangda Singh has an accent throughout the movie (feels very odd and distrubing frankly!). Arunoday Singh has done a decent job along with Sushant Singh. Also Arunoday has tried to be the next Imraan Hashmi via this film. Both Yashpal Sharma and Prasant Narayanan (As Chote) have a small role. Frankly the biggest disappointment of the movie is the role played by Prashant Narayanan. An actor of his caliber should have had a much meatier role than this.

There is Comedy, Drama, Action, Emotions and lots of swearing (not to be watched with kids). Direction by Sudhir Mishra is good and he keeps going back and forth in time in order to keep the viewers engaged. Old delhi has been used as a additional character in the movie nicely. Net net a nice movie to spend your 2 hours on. Watch it just for gripping Story line and a nice controlled editing. Go for it!!!