Friday, June 4, 2010

Review of Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time (2010)...

The thought of controlling Time has always fascinated humans. The ability to alter one's future when you have control over Time can probably be one of the biggest drug and the ultimate power weapon. You can become invincible, if you have control over time, even if it means for as short a time as a few seconds, as a lot can be done to change things in those few seconds. Imagine having a capability to travel 30 seconds back in time, you can make millions by betting in Horse Racing or at a casino. One can avert an accident and even cheat death, theoretically atleast.

There have been multiple movies around Time travel, whether we look at H.G. Wells "The Time Machine" or Spielberg's "Back to the Future" series or Rakesh Roshan's "Krish". Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time (POP-TSOT) is in the same category of movies. POP-TSOT also tries to do things similar to what have been done in this earlier movies. So then, what is different in the movie.

When you plug together the mystery of an Persian backdrop with Time travel, what we get is an interesting and engaging story, that is what is brought to life in POP-TSOT. A rather long title, but thankfully the movie is'nt, which really helps in giving an on the edge kind of drama to the viewers. The mystic and essence of Persian backdrop stories have not really been captured on the big screen till now. All efforts regarding Sindbad or Arabian Nights have not been very elaborate and successful. POP-TSOT make a first of its kind effort to bring us the charm and magic of the times when the Persian empire was feared and really huge. Add to it the magic and legends related to these stories, and we get a engaging screenplay. Two hours of non-stop action, some of which might seem a little unnecessary, but mostly a very engaging watch.

Coming to the story, Prince Dastan (played by Jake Gyllenhaal, of Brokeback Mountain and Day after Tomorrow fame) is adopted by the King of Persia from the streets and is raised along with the other 2 sons of the king. During one of their missions the Prince happens to get hold of a beautiful Dagger, which has the capability of enabling a person to travelling back in time for a few seconds ( or in other words can make Time stand still for himself). The prince gets framed in the killing of his Father , the King of Persia and is declared an Outlaw by his brothers. He not only needs to prove his innocence, and avenge the death of the King, he also needs to protect the powerful dagger from falling into wrong hands. There are multiple parallel tracks that run in the movie, including that of the real sons of the King, a young brother of the King (Nizam, played brilliantly by Ben Kingsley). But the most interesting angle of the story along with the Prince is that of a Princess, the rightful owner of the Dagger and the protector of a secret. A Secret that can give a human the power to travel in time as much as he wants and change the course of his history. Unlike other magic or time travel movies, where the heroine does not have much to do, in POP-TSOT, the princess is a very integral part of the story and is there in almost all adventures of the Prince, not just as a spectator, but someone who is in the thick of things always.

The movie moves at a very fast pace from scene one, and ensures that one has a Roller coaster ride for the next 2 hours. There are certain theoretical and tactical flaws in the movie, but then when you are going for a good time, you do not bother about them much. Full of action and stunts performed very well by the protagonists, the use of CGI is quiet evident, but is very aptly done as well. The whole set up created to replicate the times of the Persian empire is very engaging, and well captured.

Towards the end the movie does make you think, whether being a person who can control time is really a boon or a curse. Being the only person who remembers what has happened or rather what is in store for us in future, may not always be a easy situation to find oneself in. People who have been so close to you and you develop feelings for, suddenly become strangers. While you have met them multiple times in the future, for them, you are meeting them for the first time. A bit confusing, well watch the movie and you will surely understand what I am trying to say.

POP-TSOT is surely worth watching once on the theaters. Approach it as the same category as movies like Speed or Bourne Identity, only that this one is a Period drama with action, and hence the costumes, sets and era along with the thrills. Go grab a look for this one.