Saturday, May 11, 2013

Review of Star Trek - Into the Darkness (2013)...

Space: The final frontier, These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise, To explore strange new worlds in the next 5 years, To seek out new life and new civilizations, To boldly go where no man has gone before...
When Star Trek (2009) had released, it was the pinnacle of the Star Trek series. Guess what, the leader has been displaced after 4 years. The latest from the Star Trek Franchise is an awesome experience that one needs to be part of. The previous movie was primarily based on the conflict between the Romulans and Vulcans and the detruction of their  Planet.  It was focussed on Spock and Nero, the current one is based on Earth and focuses on the inner conflict of James Tiberious Kirk and his coming face to face with his eternal enemy KHAN.

Khan's presence in the movie has made an impact a villian has'nt for a long time in any Hollywood movie in the recent past (read 4 - 5 years). Khan, played by Benedict Cumberbatch (from the BBC "Sherlock " series), comes out as the mysterious and ruthless being whose intentions are not clear to either Spock or Kirk all throughout the journey.

The movie begins with an unrelated sequence with the USS Enterprise is trying to save a planet from a volcano eruption that threatens to wipe out its primitive population. The whole sequence sets the tone for the rest of the movie, with fast pace, unexpected turns and the ever loving nostalgic Star Trek sound track. From then on, there is hardly any time that you will feel not at the edge of your seat or even blink your eyes.  The rest of the 2(+) hours is a ride you take along with the Crew of USS Enterprise, their ups and downs and also the whole destruction of their ship :-). 

The story in short is, Post some strong attacks on the Starfleet Headquarters, Kirk sets on course to settle a personal score in the enemy land (read Klingon planet) in pursuit of Khan, not releasing he is being used as a pawn in a bigger chess game. What follows are sequences that test the strength and patience of Kirk, Spock and the crew of USS Enterprise, putting Kirk in situations where he has to choose between killing his Enemy (Khan, person responsible of killing his Father figure, Commander Pike) or saving the only family he is left with now , the crew of USS Enterprise.

The movie is fast paced on the edge thriller with excellent performance by each of the actors. While the 2009 version of Star Trek introduced the characters of Kirk, Spock, Scotty, Zulu, Uhura, Bones and Chekov and how they come together, this one takes their relationship to the next level. How the bond of friendship between each of them becomes strong, and how each of them are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the rest in the crew.

This one has Bones and Scotty at their witty best, Kirk at his risky best, Uhura as the seductress whose human emotions keep Spock at completely loss of words, but it is Spock who has the maximum transition during the course of the movie. Spock goes from a Vulcan who is emotionless and logical decision maker to let his human side take over towards the second half, who shows emotions and takes calculated risks and chances. He starts to act thinking what would Kirk have done a particular situation and EVEN CRIES IN THE MOVIE.

JJ Abrams has done a bang on job in the movie, the only missing factor though for me here is that the movie is mostly based on an internal Human Conflict and the regular Star Trek species other than humans are missing.  The cameo by Leonard Nemoy(The Original Spock) is ever wanted and welcome, and the movie closes with the paragraph I started the review with. The 2009 Star Trek had Leonard Nemoy saying those words, how I wish William Shatner had closed the movie this time around. It would have been a complete circle for the two legends that we all have grown up seeing and secretly wish to be if ever given a chance. The movie has released in India a week before its release in some of the other key countries, just like Iron Man3, make the most of it and watch it Before the rest of the world does!

In the End, while the USS Enterprise is bashed, Kirk beaten up by Khan, Uhura makes Spock's life miserable - The whole spirit of what makes a  Star Trek movie so special remains intact. If you are a Star Trek series fan, drop everything and go for this one, and if you are not very hot about the series, watch this one, as you are bound to go back looking for more.