Sunday, February 21, 2010

Review of Kurbaan (2009)...

When one watches a movie like Kurbaan, one ends up wondering, what is the message of the movie, what is the director trying to say by using the movie as the means. I frankly did not understand what Renzil D'Silva was trying to convey. Was he trying to put a justification behind the Terrorist actions of his protagonist, or was he trying to show that there is still goodness amongst a particular community, which is generally associated with any kind of terrorism globally. He fails in both. The failure in the first is because there cannot be any justification to the killings of innocent people. Two wrongs don't make a right. Doing atrocities to people whom one holds responsible for the plight of your own can never be justified. He fails in the second as there is too much focus on the negativity of the characters, that one hardly thinks about the moderate or clean characters of the movie and there actions.

Kurbaan is the story of a group of people who are planning a series of terror attacks in America to avenge the what they feel are sufferings caused to people of Afghanistan due to the actions of Americans. The movie begins with Saif Ali Khan (Ehsaan) and Kareena (Avantika) starting their romance and then shifting to America for their career. Soon Kareena realizes that Saif is part of a Sleeper cell who are planning terror attacks in America. Meanwhile, Vivek Oberio (Riyaaz) begins his own objective of exposing this group, as they are responsible for the killing of his girl friend in a plane explosion. He becomes part of this group in order to understand their plans and get them caught them at the right time. There are multiple ups and downs in the movie with quiet a thrilling climax of around 30 mins.

The movie starts on a very dull note with the first 30 mins being extremely boring, then the next 30 mins are extremely exciting, when Kareena finds out the reality of his husband. Again the movie goes into slow motion to again become alive after sometime. The movie actually alternates like this for its entire duration of 2 hrs 40 mins, with the last 30 mins again being extremely thrilling. From a performance PoV, Kareena does not impress much, Saif has done a decent job, and Vivek is also so so in the acting area. Actors like Om Puri and Kiron Kher are wasted. The direction of the movie is sleek but in parts, and that is what keeps the interest a bit alive for the overall length of the movie. The title of the movie says, "Some Love stories have blood on them", frankly there is no Love story at all in the movie. The movie is full of flaws, How come Kareena does not find a way to escape and report the presence of this sleeper cell, even though she is left all alone in a shopping mall? How is a dreaded terrorist Khalid (Saif) able to roam openly in America, in spite of being on the most wanted list of FBI? Why does Vivek decide to take things in his hand, while he can easily expose this cell to FBI? How can Saif get away inspite of landing in the middle of a Gun fight with the Police and actually getting injured in the same? The list goes on actually.

I sometimes wonder the need to make such movie. With so much of hatred and misconception already afloat all around, is there is need to add to that. All this movie ends up achieving is creating a hateful opinion about a particular section of people and clearly for me, one could have done without having such a movie ever made. All that this movie spreads is not a message of peace or love, but rather a message a Hate, that is easily avoided in the current geo-political scenario of the world.

Watch it if you must, but please treat this movie as just a thriller and do not make any kind of opinions because of this movie. To which ever community you belong to, this movie cannot be taken on face value and the message of the movie should not influence you in setting an opinion about the other community.

PS: I have deliberately not named any community in this review, as that would defeat the whole purpose of the same. I regret hurting feelings of anyone because of this.

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