Saturday, November 20, 2010

Review of Star Trek (2009)...

Space: The final frontier, These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise, To explore strange new worlds, To seek out new life and new civilizations, To boldly go where no man has gone before...

Words that a lot of us have grown up with watching Star Trek the television series and its follow up generations. We are used to these words being recited at the beginning of each series by James T Kirk or to be specific William Shatner. This Star Trek movie ends where the rest of the series begin with, that is with these famour words. This Star Trek, takes us to the very beginning, where it all started from, how the elite crew of the famous USS Enterprise came together, bringing in their share of strengths and responsibilities. But unlike the regular Franchise, in this one James T Kirk is not the Captain of the Enterprise, but rather he is a Rookie, who gets a chance into the Enterprise, thanks to the liking the Captain of the Enterprise Captain Pike has for him, who is followed by Spock becoming the Captain of the Enterprise. James T Kirk remains a Rogue continuing to defy Logic and orders to follow what his instinct says. Kirk and Spock are fighting a Miner from the Future, who after destroying the Home Planet of Spock, Vulcan, is now on his way to Destroy Earth. Eric Bana, plays Nero, this Romulan miner hell bent upon destroying Earth and Vulcan, as he blames them for the destruction of his planet Romulus. The rest of the movie is about how James T Kirk and Spock, in spite of their differences, come together to stop Nero in his plans. There are multiple racy scenes in the movie, which make the viewers pulse go racing. Multiple occasions which will keep you at the edge of your seats. What makes this movie different from the previous Star Trek franchise movies is the pace with which this movie progresses. It is amazing to say the least, with hardly any scenes in the movie that will disappoint you.

The Movie has all new and young actors with only Leonard Nemoy (Original Spock) making an small but very important appearance. And what an impact he has on the whole movie. For me his entry and stay in the Movie is the highlight of the movie. The Movie is gripping and for a running time of 127 mins, extremely fast paced, leaving no time for the viewer to even blink. The Movie beautifully captures the emotions and strengths of each of its characters and how each of them slowly develop into stalwarts that we are used to and have watched them as. Whether it the Engineer head Scooty, or the Pilot Checkov and Sulu to the communication in-charge, Uhura, each of them have a key role to play in the entire movie.

The movie captures the future on Earth for a short period and is mostly shot in the USS Enterprise. The entry of Leonard Nemoy is on a Marooned planet, where he meets James Kirk and makes him realize, how important it is for him to take over as the Captain of the Enterprise. The special effects of the movie are top class, but what sets this movie apart from the other Sci-fi movies in the recent times is the emotional connect that it is able to create with the viewer, specially via the original and old Spock. The emotional connect is amazing and you really feel it when Spock says his customary "Live long and prosper" to James Kirk. The background score of the movie is amazing and captures the excitement and emotions throughout the movie. While the whole movie is amazing, for me the way Nero gets defeated does not match the spectacle that the rest of the movie is. Having said that, Its an exciting re-start to this franchise and makes it super exiting for the sequels of this movie to follow.

I would say, it is Spock, who for me defines Star Trek, and he is the real star of this one as well, whether as a Old Spock or the Young and aggressive Spock. Its worth watching the movie only for his presence in the movie. A movie not to be missed at any cost, Please watch it today, if you have not seen it yet.

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